IRIX 6.2
IRIX 6.2 CD2.iso
Text File
199 lines
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1. _S_o_u_n_d_s__a_n_d__C_o_l_o_r__S_c_h_e_m_e_s
1.1 _S_o_u_n_d_s
For sounds to appear correctly in the Indigo Magic Desktop,
three conditions must hold:
+o Soundscheme must be running. To check if SoundScheme is
on, use the cccchhhhkkkkccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg command. If it is off, activate
it with the ssssoooouuuunnnnddddsssscccchhhheeeemmmmeeee command and try cccchhhhkkkkccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg
again. If it is still off, it may not be installed;
see the SoundScheme release notes to install it.
+o The volume must be sufficiently high. There are two
ways to control volume: the black triangular buttons on
the front of the Indy, and the audio customization
panel (_a_p_a_n_e_l or _a_u_d_i_o_p_a_n_e_l).
+o Indigo Magic Desktop audio feedback must be turned on.
The toggle for audio feedback is located on the Desktop
Settings customization panel (_d_e_s_k_t_o_p) next to the
Desktop Sounds label.
Sounds generated by the X Window System (like the shell
beep) operate independently of both SoundScheme and the
Desktop panel audio toggle and can not be turned off via
those two mechanisms. Only by turning down the volume on
the audio panel can you make the X-generated sounds
inaudible, but that will have the added effect of making
inaudible all Indigo Magic Desktop sounds.
In 5.3, some icon types are programmed to never use the
visual launch effect, or to never use the launch sound (see
_f_t_r(_1)). Namely, none of the device icons uses the visual
launch effect, and none of the sound icons uses the launch
sound. Such icons will never exhibit visual or auditory
launch behavior when they are double-clicked, even when the
Launch Effect toggle or the Desktop Sounds toggle is checked
on the _d_e_s_k_t_o_p customization panel.
In 5.3, the default sound scheme is updated to use
percussive sounds. In addition, new sounds have been
introduced for some file manager operations, including
opening a folder, removing an icon to the dumpster, removing
an icon permanently, copying an icon, moving an icon into a
directory view, and putting away an icon.
The default sound scheme is /_u_s_r/_s_h_a_r_e/_d_a_t_a/_s_o_u_n_d_s/
_s_o_u_n_d_s_c_h_e_m_e/_s_c_h_e_m_e_s/_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_S_c_h_e_m_e._s_s and the sound files
referenced in that scheme file are in the /_u_s_r/_s_h_a_r_e/_d_a_t_a/
_s_o_u_n_d_s/_s_o_u_n_d_s_c_h_e_m_e/_s_o_u_n_d_f_i_l_e_s directory. Modifying the
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settings in the scheme file will change the desktop sounds
for all users on the machine.
Currently, to change a sound in the default scheme, you need
to do the following:
+o Become root, then change your directory to
+o Copy _d_e_f_a_u_l_t_S_c_h_e_m_e._s_s to _d_e_f_a_u_l_t_S_c_h_e_m_e._s_s._b_a_k as a
backup, in case you want to revert to the original
scheme in the future.
+o Place your new sound file into the aforementioned
_s_o_u_n_d_f_i_l_e_s directory, if it's not already there.
+o Edit the _d_e_f_a_u_l_t_S_c_h_e_m_e._s_s file, and change the
appropriate ....ssssoooouuuunnnnddddffffiiiilllleeee name to be the filename of your
new sound file.
+o Kill and restart SoundScheme with the kkkkiiiillllllllaaaallllllll
ssssoooouuuunnnnddddsssscccchhhheeeemmmmeeee and ssssoooouuuunnnnddddsssscccchhhheeeemmmmeeee commands, respectively, or
by logging out and logging back in.
Future IRIX releases may overwrite the scheme and sound
files in these directories.
The search tool uses its own scheme file to produce sounds.
This scheme file, _s_e_a_r_c_h_b_o_o_k._s_s, is shipped in the
(optional) desktop_eoe.sw.share subsystem. If the search
tool does not produce audio feedback even when the three
aforementioned conditions hold, then you may need to install
that subsystem on your machine.
1.2 _C_o_l_o_r__S_c_h_e_m_e_s
Schemes have changed between IRIX 5.2 and IRIX 5.3. In 5.2,
there were twelve color schemes named after artists and the
desktop tools only responded to the default scheme. The way
you selected a scheme was to set the resource ****sssscccchhhheeeemmmmeeee::::
<<<<nnnnaaaammmmeeee>>>> in your ._X_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s file. Now in 5.3, there is an
expanded set of eighteen schemes supported that are named
after places. The desktop tools now respond to all scheme
selections, and the appropriate way to choose your scheme
is to use the schemes browser accessible from the Desktop
toolchest by choosing Customize and then Color Schemes.
The 5.3 scheme browser will allow you to see a small sample
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picture of each system scheme before selecting the one you
want for your entire desktop. Before using the scheme
browser to set your scheme choice, remove the ****sssscccchhhheeeemmmmeeee::::
<<<<nnnnaaaammmmeeee>>>> setting from your ._X_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s file so that the two
mechanisms for setting your scheme preference don't clash.
Then select the scheme browser from the toolchest. Click on
any scheme name to preview a sample of that scheme. Click
on Apply to select that scheme for use in your environment.
Any scheme-smart application started after this point will
use your new scheme designation.
If you are using an application that depends upon the old
schemes and was not re-released for 5.3, say _t_v_q_u_e_r_y for
example, prefix the scheme resource in your $_H_O_M_E/._X_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s
file with the name of the application:
ttttvvvvqqqquuuueeeerrrryyyy****sssscccchhhheeeemmmmeeee:::: RRRReeeemmmmbbbbrrrraaaannnnddddtttt
and the application will go on using the old schemes until a
new version is released that plays with the new ones.
In 5.3, only the place name schemes will be officially
supported; the artist name schemes will still exist for the
sake of backward compatibility but their names will not
appear in the scheme browser. Some of the more popular
artist schemes have been incorporated under new names into
the official 5.3 scheme set. The map between these old
scheme names and the new names is as follows:
Gainsborough -> RedGreenSafe
Leonardo -> Bayou
Monet -> RoseGarden
Print -> GrayScale
Rembrandt -> Mendocino
Turner -> Potrero
VanGogh -> Buckingham
Whistler -> Gotham
Willis -> BlackAndWhite
Be aware that although the artist schemes are being
distributed with 5.3, they are only there for backward
compatibility. They will not be officially supported in the
next release of the OS. So be prepared for them to go away
by removing all mention of them from your $_H_O_M_E/._X_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_s
file and making sure that any application you develop does
not reference any of the artist scheme directories in its